Scientific publications
Rossi, S., Visigalli, S., Castillo Cascino, F. C., Mantovani, M., Mezzanotte, V., Parati, K., Canziani R., Ficara E. (2021). Metal-based flocculation to harvest microalgae: a look beyond separation efficiency. Science of The Total Environment, 799, 149395.
A. Sánchez-Zurano, S. Rossi, J.M. Fernández-Sevilla, G. Acién-Fernández, E. Molina-Grima, & E. Ficara. (2022). Respirometric assessment of bacterial kinetics in algae-bacteria and activated sludge processes. Bioresource Technology, 352, 127116.
T.D.S. Pereira, A. Catenacci, A. Guerreschi, G. Bellandi, F. Malpei (2022). Biochemical characterization and anaerobic degradability of flower wastes: Preliminary assessment and statistical interpretation towards energy recovery”. Science of the Total Environment, 830 (2022) 154842.
Catenacci A., Santus A., Malpei F., Ferretti G. (2022) “Early prediction of BMP tests: a step response method for first-order model parameters estimation”. Renewable Energy, 188, 184-194.
A. Catenacci, M. Peroni, F. Gievers, M. Mainardis, E.Pasinetti, F. Malpei (2022). “Integration of sludge ozonation with anaerobic digestion: from batch testing to scenario analysis with energy, economic and environmental assessment”. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 186 (2022) 106539.
M. Peroni, M. Cascio, D. Soderino, D. Preda, E.Pasinetti, A. Catenacci, F. Malpei, M. Bernardi (2022). “Ozonolisi in digestione anaerobica: un caso di studio a scala reale e di laboratorio”. Ingegneria dell’Ambiente, Vol. 9. 2/2022.
Visigalli S., Barberis M.G., Turolla A., Canziani R., Berden Zrimec M., Reinhardt R., Ficara E., Electrocoagulation–flotation (ECF) for microalgae harvesting – A review, Separation and Purification Technology (2021), doi:
Dolci, G., Catenacci, A., Malpei, F., Grosso, M. Effect of Paper vs. Bioplastic Bags on Food Waste Collection and Processing. Waste Biomass Valor (2021).
V. Corbellini, C. Feng, M. Bellucci, A. Catenacci, T. Stella, A. Espinoza-tofalos, F. Malpei, “Performance Analysis and Microbial Community Evolution of In Situ Biological Biogas Upgrading with Increasing H 2 / CO 2 Ratio”, Archaea. 2021 (2021) 15.
Casagli, F., Zuccaro, G., Bernard, O., Steyer, J. P., & Ficara, E. (2021). ALBA: A comprehensive growth model to optimize algae-bacteria wastewater treatment in raceway ponds. Water Research, 190, 116734.
Catenacci, A.; Grana, M.; Malpei, F.; Ficara, E. (2021). Optimizing ADM1 Calibration and Input Characterization for Effective Co-Digestion Modelling. Water, 13, 3100.
Bongiorno T., Foglio L., Proietti L., Vasconi M., Lopez L., Pizzera A., Carminati D., Tava A., Vizcaíno AJ., Alarcón FJ., Ficara E., Parati K. (2020) “Microalgae from Biorefinery as Potential Protein Source for Siberian Sturgeon (A. baerii) Aquafeed. Sustainability”, 2020, 12, 8779; doi:10.3390/su12218779.
Alessia Bani, Katia Parati, Anna Pozzi, Cristina Previtali, Graziella Bongioni, Andrea Pizzera, Elena Ficara and Micol Bellucci (2020). “Comparison of the Performance and Microbial Community Structure of Two Outdoor Pilot-Scale Photobioreactors Treating Digestate”. Microorganisms, 8(11), 1754.
Rossi, S., Sforza, E., Pastore, M., Bellucci, M., Casagli, F., Marazzi, F., & Ficara, E. (2020). Photo-respirometry to shed light on microalgae-bacteria consortia—a review. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology, 1-30., doi: 10.1007/s11157-020-09524-2
Marazzi, F., Bellucci, M., Fantasia, T., Ficara, E., & Mezzanotte, V. (2020). Interactions between Microalgae and Bacteria in the Treatment of Wastewater from Milk Whey Processing. Water, 12(1), 297. 2020
A. Catenacci, M. Bellucci, T. Yuan, F. Malpei (2020) “Dairy wastewater treatment by using composite membranes”. Book Chapter in “Current Trends and Future Developments in (Bio) Membranes: Membrane Technology for Water and Wastewater Treatment - Advances and Emerging Processes”, Elsevier, Editors: A. Basile, A. Comite (ISBN: 9780128168233).
Andreotti, V., Solimeno, A., Rossi, S., Ficara, E., Marazzi, F., Mezzanotte, V., & García, J. (2020). Bioremediation of aquaculture wastewater with the microalgae Tetraselmis suecica: Semi-continuous experiments, simulation and photo-respirometric tests. Science of The Total Environment, 139859.
Rossi S., Díez-Montero R., Rueda E., Castillo Cascino F., Parati K., García J., Ficara E. (2020). Free ammonia inhibition in microalgae and cyanobacteria grown in wastewaters: photo-respirometric evaluation and modelling. Bioresource Technology,
Rossi, S., Casagli, F., Mantovani, M., Mezzanotte, V., Ficara, E. (2020) Selection of photosynthesis and respiration models to assess the effect of environmental conditions on mixed microalgae consortia grown on wastewater, Bioresource Technology, doi:
Corbellini V., Catenacci A., Malpei F. Hydrogenotrophic biogas upgrading integrated into WWTPs: enrichment strategy. Water Sci Technol 15 February 2019; 79 (4): 759–770. doi:
Catenacci A., Azzellino A., Malpei F. Development of statistical predictive models for estimating the methane yield of Italian municipal sludges from chemical composition: a preliminary study. Water Sci Technol 1 February 2019; 79 (3): 435–447. doi:
Pizzera, A., Scaglione, D., Bellucci, M., Marazzi, F., Mezzanotte, V., Parati, K., and Ficara, E. (2019) Digestate treatment with algae-bacteria consortia: A field pilot-scale experimentation in a sub-optimal climate area. Bioresource Technology, 274 (September 2018), 232–243.
Marazzi, F., Bellucci, M., Rossi, S., Fornaroli, R., Ficara, E., Mezzanotte, V. Outdoor pilot trial integrating a sidestream microalgae process for the treatment of centrate under non optimal climate conditions (2019) Algal Research, 39, art. no. 101430.
Marazzi, F., Bellucci, M., Fornaroli, R., Bani, A., Ficara, E., Mezzanotte, V. Lab-scale testing of operation parameters for algae based treatment of piggery wastewater (2019) Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, in press.
Bellucci, M., Marazzi, F., Naddeo, L.S., Piergiacomo, F., Beneduce, L., Ficara, E., Mezzanotte, V. Disinfection and nutrient removal in laboratory-scale photobioreactors for wastewater tertiary treatment (2019) Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, in press.
Corbellini, V., Kougias, P. G., Bassani, I., and Treu, L. (2018) Hybrid biogas upgrading in a two-stage thermophilic reactor. Energy Conversion and Management, 168, 1–12.
Rossi S., Bellucci M., Marazzi F., Mezzanotte V., Ficara E. Activity assessment of microalgal-bacterial consortia based on respirometric tests. Water Sci Technol 13 August 2018; 78 (1): 207–215. doi:
Mezzanotte, V., Marazzi, F., da Silva Cristóvão, M.B.S.M., Bellucci, M., Ficara, E. 56010285700;56276557100;57202071833;37760988900;6603153962; Phycoremediation to reduce the pollution load of piggery wastewater: results of semi-continuous lab tests using chlorella and scenedesmus spp. (2018) Chemical Engineering Transactions, 64, pp. 679-684.
Marazzi, F., Sambusiti, C., Monlau, F., Cecere, S. E., Scaglione, D., Barakat, A., Mezzanotte, V., and Ficara, E. (2017) A novel option for reducing the optical density of liquid digestate to achieve a more productive microalgal culturing. Algal Research, 24, 19–28. [online]
Calabrò P.S., Pontoni L., Porqueddu I., Greco R., Pirozzi F., Malpei F. (2016) Effect of the concentration of essential oil on orange peel waste biomethanization: Preliminary batch results. Waste Management, 48, 440-447,
Scaglione D., Lotti T., Niccolini F., Menin G., Ficara E., Malpei F, Canziani R. (2016) Complete autotrophic process for nitrogen removal from ink-jet printing wastewater. Chemical Engineering Transaction. Vol 49. IN PRESS (ISBN 978 88 95 608 402)
Della Bona A., Ferretti G., Ficara E., Malpei F. (2015). LFT modelling and identification of anaerobic digestion, Control Engineering Practice, pp. 1-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.conengprac.2014.11.008
Hassam S., Ficara E., Leva A., Harmand J. (2015). A generic and systematic procedure to derive a simplified model from the Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1). Biochemical Engineering Journal, 99, 193-203. doi: 10.1016/j.bej.2015.03.007
Marazzi F., Ficara E., Mezzanotte V. (2015) Growth of microalgal biomass on supernatant from biosolids dewatering. Proceedings IWA International Conference on Nutrient Removal and Recovery. Gdansk, Poland. May 18-21th 2015.
Sambusiti C., Monlau F., Ficara E., Musatti A., Rollini M., Barakat A. and Malpei F. (in press). Comparison of various post-treatments for recovering methane from agricultural digestate Fuel Processing Technology, Fuel Processing Technology, accepted for pubblication
Scaglione D., Ficara E., Corbellini V., Tornotti G., Teli A. , Canziani R., Malpei F.(2015). Autotrophic nitrogen removal by a two-step SBR process applied to mixed agro-digestate. Bioresource Tachnology, Volume 176, 98-105.
Scaglione D., Lotti T. , Niccolini F., Menin G., Ficara E., Malpei F, Canziani R. (2015) Anammox process for nitrogen removal from ink-jet printing wastewater. Proceedings IWA International Conference on Nutrient Removal and Recovery. Gdansk, Poland. May 18-21th 2015.
Ficara E., Uslenghi A., Basilico D., Mezzanotte V. (2014) Growth of microalgal biomass on supernatant from biosolids dewatering. Water Science and technology, 69(4), 896-902. doi: 10.2166/wst.2013.805.
Lotti T., Scaglione D., Teli A., Canziani R., Ficara E., Malpei F. (2014) Rimozione completamente autotrofa dell’azoto con batteri anammox: passato, presente e futuro. Ingegneria dell’ambiente Vol 1, 3-26.
Mezzanotte V., Ficara E. (2014). Integration of algal production in WWTP sludge line. In: Proceedings 2nd IWA Specialized International Conference, ecoSTP2014 - EcoTechnologies for Wastewater Treatment, Technical, Environmental & Economic Challenges, Verona, Italy, 23-27 June 2014, p. 138-141.
Rollini M., Musatti A., Sambusiti C., Ficara E., Manzoni M., Malpei F. (2014) Comparative Performance of Enzymatica Combined Alkaline-Enzymatic Pretreatments on Methane Production from Ensiled Sorghum Forage. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering. 37:2587–2595.
Sambusiti C., Rollini M., Ficara E., Musatti A., Manzoni M. and Malpei F. (2014) Enzymatic and metabolic activities of four anaerobic sludges and their impact on methane production from ensiled sorghum forage. Bioresource Technology, 155, 122-128.
Scaglione D., E. Ficara, V. Corbellini, A. Teli, R. Canziani and F. Malpei (2014) Treatability of digested piggery/poultry manure by anammox bacteria. In: Proceedings 2nd IWA Specialized International Conference, ecoSTP2014 - EcoTechnologies for Wastewater Treatment, Technical, Environmental & Economic Challenges, Verona, Italy, 23-27 June 2014, p. 61-65.
Teli A., Ficara E., Malpei F. (2014). Bio-hydrogen Production from Cheese Whey by Dark Fermentation. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 37.
Teli A., Ficara E., Malpei F. (2014). Bio-hydrogen Production from Cheese Whey by Dark Fermentation. Proceedings of the international conference on biomass (Icon.BM), 4-7 may 2014, Florence (IT).
Casella F., Della Bona A., Ferretti G., Ficara E. , Lovera M., Malpei F. LFT formulation of an anaerobic digestion model for parameters identification (2013). Poster paper. 11th IWA Conference on Instrumentation Control and Automation, 18-20 September 2013, Narbonne, France. p. 1-4.
Ferrari S., Ficara E., Teli A., Malpei F., Cocconcelli P.S., Cappa F. (2013). Study and selection of Clostridium strains for biohydrogen production from whey. AISSA national conference (Associazione Italiana Società Scientifiche Agrarie), 12-14 Novembre 2013, Piacenza.
Ficara E., Uslenghi A., Basilico D., Mezzanotte V. (2013). Growth of microalgal biomass on supernatant from biosolids dewatering. Platform presentation. Proceedings of international IWA 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion: “Recovering (bio) Resources for the World. Santiago de Compostela (ES) 25-28 June 2013, electronic abstract p. 1-4.
Hassam S., A. Allegrini, E. Ficara, B. Cherki and J. Harmand (2013) Modified AM2 with the hydrolysis step and the ammonium consideration. Poster paper. Proceedings of international IWA 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion: “Recovering (bio) Resources for the World. Santiago de Compostela (ES) 25-28 June 2013. electronic abstract p. 1-4.
Porqueddu I., Ficara et al. (2013) Results of an Italian interlaboratory study on Biochemical Methane Potential (BMP) Proc. international IWA 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion: “Recovering (bio) Resources for the World. Santiago de Compostela (ES) 25-28 June 2013) electronic abstract p 1-2.
Sambusiti C., E. Ficara, M. Rollini, A. Musatti, M. Manzoni and F. Malpei (2013) Enzymatic and metabolic activities in anaerobic sludges and their impact on methane production from ensiles sorghum forage. Platform presentation. Proceedings of international IWA 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion: “Recovering (bio) Resources for the World. Santiago de Compostela (ES) 25-28 June 2013. electronic abstract, p. 1-4.
Sambusiti C., Ficara E., Rollini M., Musatti M., Manzoni M., Malpei F. (2013) Enzymatic and metabolic activities in anaerobic sludges and their impact on methane production from ensiles sorghum forage. Platform presentation. Proceedings of international IWA 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion: “Recovering (bio) Resources for the World. Santiago de Compostela (ES) 25-28 June 2013. p. 1-4.
Sambusiti C., Ficara E., Rollini M., Manzoni M., Malpei F. (2013). Impact of different types of pretreatment on methane production of two agricultural substrates. Poster paper. Proceedings of international IWA 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion: “Recovering (bio) Resources for the World. Santiago de Compostela (ES) 25-28 June 2013. p. 1-4.
Sambusiti, C., Ficara, E., Malpei, F., Steyer, J.P., Carrère, H. (2013) Benefit of sodium hydroxide pretreatment of ensiled sorghum forage on the anaerobic reactor stability and methane production. Bioresource Technology 144 , pp. 149-155. DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2013.06.095
Sambusiti, C., Ficara, E., Malpei, F., Steyer, J.P., Carrère, H. (2013) Effect of sodium hydroxide pretreatment on physical, chemical characteristics and methane production of five varieties of sorghum. Energy, 55 , pp. 449-456. DOI: 10.1016/
Sambusiti, C., Monlau, F., Ficara, E., Carrère, H., Malpei, F. (2013) A comparison of different pre-treatments to increase methane production from two agricultural substrates. Applied Energy 104 , pp. 62-70. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2012.10.060
Scaglione D, Tornotti G, Teli A, Ficara E, Canziani R, Malpei F (2013) Advanced bioprocesses for N removal from the liquid fraction of co-digestated piggery/poultry manure and agro-wastes. In: Proceedings of the 13th World Congress on Anerobic Digestion: Recoverying (bio) Resources for the World, 25-28 June. Santiago de Compostela: IWA.
Scaglione D., G. Tornotti, A. Teli, E. Ficara, R. Canziani, F. Malpei (2013). Nuova tecnologia che rimuove l'azoto dal digestato. INFORMATORE AGRARIO, p. 28-32.
Scaglione, D., Tornotti, G., Teli, A., Lorenzoni, L., Ficara, E., Canziani, R., Malpei, F. (2013) Nitrification denitrification via nitrite in a pilot-scale SBR treating the liquid fraction of co-digested piggery/poultry manure and agro-wastes. Chemical Engineering Journal 228 , pp. 935-943. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2013.05.075.
Teli A., Ficara E., Malpei F. (2013). Bio-hydrogen production from cheese whey by dark fermentation. GITISA Young Conference, Sardinia 2013 – XIV International Waste Management and Sanitary Landfilling Symposium, 30 Settembre – 4 Ottobre 2013, Santa Margherita di Pula (Cagliari).
Canziani R., Ficara E., Scaglione D., Teli A., Tornotti G., Malpei F. (2012). Autotrophic nitrogen removal from digested agro-wastes. Proceedings of the International Symposium of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, 9th Ed. - SIDISA 2012 - Sustainable Technology for Environmental Protection, 26 - 29. June, Milan, ISBN 978-88-903557-1-4, International IWA Session on “Autotrophic Nitrogen Removal: from Research to Applications”, paper ID 1428, p. 1-8.
Hassam S., Cherki B., Ficara E., Harmand J. (2012). Towards a Systematic Approach to Reduce Complex Bioprocess Models - Application to the ADM1. Proceeding of the 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED), Barcelona, Spain, July 3-6, 2012, p. 573-578.
Rollini, M., Sambusiti, C., Musatti, A., Manzoni, M., Ficara, E., Malpei, F. (2012). Combination of Alkaline and Enzymatic Pre-Treatment to Increase Bio-Methane Production Potential of Sorghum and Wheat Straw. In Proceedings of the 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 18 -22 June 2012, Milano, Italy. p. 1406-1410, doi: 10.5071/20thEUBCE2012-2DV.3.5, ISBN: 978-88-89407-54-7.
Sambusiti C. (2012). Physical, chemical and biological pretreatments to enhance biogas production from lignocellulosic substrates. Tesi di Dottorato, Politecnico di Milano. Supervisor: Prof.ssa Francesca Malpei, Advisor: Ing. Elena Ficara.
Sambusiti C., E. Ficara, F. Malpei, J.P. Steyer, H. Carrère (2012), Influence of alkaline pre-treatment conditions on structural features and methane production from ensiled sorghum forage. Chemical Engineering Journal, 211-212, p. 488-492.
Sambusiti C., E. Ficara, M. Rollini, M. Manzoni and F. Malpei (2012). Sodium hydroxide pretreatment of ensiled sorghum forage and wheat straw to increase methane production. Water Science and Technology, 66(11), 2447-2452. doi: 10.2166/wst.2012.480
Sambusiti C., Ficara E., Malpei F., Carrère H., Steyer J.P. (2012). Effect of particle size distribution on alkaline pretreatment and methane production of ensiled sorghum forage. In Proceeding of the 4th international Conference of Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Porto, Portugal, September 10 – 13, 2012.
Sambusiti C., Ficara E., Rollini M., Manzoni M., Carrère H., Malpei F. (2012) Comparative study of different pretreatments to increase methane production of ensiled sorghum forage. Proceedings of the International Symposium of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, 9th Ed. - SIDISA 2012 - Sustainable Technology for Environmental Protection, 26 - 29. June, Milan, Centro Congressi Fondazione CARIPLO, ISBN 978-88-903557-1-4, International IWA Session on “Autotrophic Nitrogen Removal: from Research to Applications”, paper ID 962, p. 1-8;
Scaglione D., Ficara E., Canziani R., Malpei F. (2012). Trattamento del Digestato e riduzione dell’azoto. In Energia da biogas - Manuale per la progettazione, autorizzazione e gestione tecnico-economica degli impianti. A cura di Francesco Arecco. Edizioni Reteambiente.
Scaglione D., Ruscalleda M., Ficara E., Balaguer M., Colprim J. (2012) Response to high nitrite concentrations of anammox biomass from two SBR fed on synthetic wastewater and landfill leachate. Chemical Engineering Journal, 209, 62-68.
Scaglione D., Tornotti G., Ficara E., Canziani R., Malpei F. (2012). Nitrification denitrification via nitrite in a pilot-scale SBR treating the liquid fraction of co-digested piggery/poultry manure and agro-wastes. Proceedings of the International Symposium of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, 9th Ed. - SIDISA 2012 - Sustainable Technology for Environmental Protection, 26 - 29 June, Milan, ISBN 978-88-903557-1-4, Session Nutrient Removal, paper ID 1134, p. 1-8;
Casula A. (2011) Incentivi economici e business plan per la produzione di biogas, in “Biogas da agro-zootecnia e agro-industria”. Dario Flaccovio Editore.
Ficara E., Malpei F., Sambusiti C. (2011) Valorizzazione del siero di caseificazione producendo energia, in “Biogas da agro-zootecnia e agro-industria”. Dario Flaccovio Editore
Ficara E., Malpei F., Vismara R., Salvetti R., Linee guida e parametri operativi per la gestione di un impianto a biogas per agro-zootecnia, , in “Biogas da agro-zootecnia e agro-industria”. Dario Flaccovio Editore
Ficara E., Scaglione D. Caffaz S. (2011) Test di laboratorio per valutare la producibilità di biogas, in “Biogas da agro-zootecnia e agro-industria”. Dario Flaccovio Editore.
Malpei F., Fabbri C., Criteri di dimensionamento, in “Biogas da agro-zootecnia e agro-industria”. Dario Flaccovio Editore
Malpei F., Salvetti R., Canziani R. (2011) Tipologie e configurazioni impiantistiche, in “Biogas da agro-zootecnia e agro-industria”. Dario Flaccovio Editore
Sambusiti C., Ficara E., Rollini M., Manzoni M., Malpei F. (2011). Alkaline pretreatment of sorghum and wheat straw for increasing methane production. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid waste and Energy Crops, Vienna, Austria, 28 August – 1 September 2011, Paper #7817R1, pp. 1-8, on CD-ROM.
Scaglione D., Ficara E., Canziani R., Fabbri C., Piccinini S., (2011) Trattamento del digestato, in “Biogas da agro-zootecnia e agro-industria”. Dario Flaccovio Editore.