Instrumental Laboratory Equipment
- Portable meter with probes for the determination of pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and oxidation-reduction potential
- Automatic titrator for FOS/TAC
- Batch measurement systems for volumetric (AMPTS - Bioprocess Control) and/or manometric (WTW OxiTop) way of: Biochemical Methanization Potential (BMP),
- Hydrogen Production Potential (BHP), Hydrolysis Rate (SHA), Acetogenesis (SAcA), Methanogenesis (SMA), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Potential for Bacteria
- Traceability Anammox
- Two ITU GmBH bioreactors (V = 15L) for continuous anaerobic degradation testing
- Two phase sequence reactors (V = 3L and 7L) for the study and application of advanced biological processes (e.g. Anammox, Parnit, Deno2)
- MBR reactor (V = 4-7L) for the study and application of aerobic and anaerobic processes (COD degradation, Parnit/Anammox, dark fermentation)
- Pressure thermoreactor (V = 6.2L) for the study of thermal and thermochemical pre-treatments in batches
- MARTINA" instrument for monitoring bacterial activity (aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic) and microalgae, both respirometric and by set-point titration
- Two gas chromatographs (DANI Master GC) with FID, FPD and TCD detectors
- Portable biogas meter (PDG2-biogas)
- Gas chromatograph bench (MICROGC 3000 Agilent Technologies)
- Flow chamber for the sampling of gases emitted from tanks and reservoirs, sampler and gas sampling bags
- Ion Chromatograph (ICS-1100 Thermo Fisher Scientific)
- UV/vis Spectrophotometer (Hach-Lange DR 6000)
- Steam current distillation units
- Sieves and mills
- Stove, muffle and freeze-dryer