Training and dissemination activities
Fabbrica della Bioenergia has organized and organizes a wide range of training services designed specifically to meet requests from different targets.
The training of the Bioenergy Factory, supported by the experience of professors of the Politecnico di Milano, is composed of:
- conferences and technical-scientific workshops;
- informative or in-depth courses for farmers, breeders, technicians, consultants or public administration staff;
- didactic-demonstrative activities and internships with students of lower and upper secondary schools;
- specific courses on request, organized and built ad hoc according to the needs.
Below are some of the courses carried out in recent years with a duration ranging from 3 hours to several days (including technical visits to biogas plants).
Here are some conferences and workshops we recently attended:
- Conference “ALGAEUROPE 2019” (Amsterdam, 4-6/12/2018)
- Workshop “I benefici delle alghe: utilizzi e applicazioni' presso la Fiera AQUAFARM (Pordenone - 13-14/02/2019)
- Conference “Biogas, Biometano, BioGNL: Upgrading, nuovi incentivi e sostenibilità” (San Donato Milanese, MI - 27/06/2019)
- Conference IWAlgae2019 “Algal Technologies and Stabilization Ponds for Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery ” (Valladolid (Spagna) - 1-2/07/2019)
- “16th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion” (Delft (The Netherlands) - 23ì/06/2019)
- Conference AlgaEurope 2019 ”IMAP Project: Two Years Pilot Scale Results” (Paris - 3-5/12/2019)
- Conference annuale dell’Associazione Italiana per lo Studio e le applicazioni delle microalghe (AISAM2020) (Padova - 7/9/2020)
- Workshop giovani - Associazione Italiana per lo Studio e le Applicazioni delle Microalghe - AISAM (Firenze - 11/019)
- Conference AquaFarm “Opportunità di impiego delle microalghe per il trattamento delle acque reflue di origine tessile”. (Pordenone - 19-20/02/2021)
- Conference WaterEnergyNexus, su tematiche Anammox (2nd-4th dDcember 2020, online)
- Webinair “METANOGENESI IDROGENOTROFA La via biologia all’upgrade del biogas e al power to gas. Esperienze e prospettive” (online - 10/05/2021)
- International conference CONECT (Conference of Environmental and Climate Technologies) - (12-14/05/2021)
- 5th International Conference IWA- Eco-STP (Milano, 21-25/06/2021)
- SIDISA 2021: “Procedure for adm1 input variable characterization of sewage sludge and expired yoghurt in view of co-digestion optimization”, “Long term experiences in using microalgae in wastewater treatment under suboptimal climatic conditions”, “Ex-situ biological biogas upgrading modelling and simulation”, “Life cycle analysis of the integration of a side-stream microalgae process into a municipal wastewater treatment plant” (Torino, 02/07/2021)
- Webinair “LE BIORAFFINERIE” : “Dalla biomassa ai biomateriali e alla bioenergia sfruttando batteri e microalghe” (17/09/2021, 24/09/2021 e 1/10/2021)
- Ecomondo (Rimini, 26-29/10/2021)
- Zootecniche - Cremona International Exhibition: "Innovazioni e valorizzazione del digestato nello sviluppo delle Agroenergie" (26/11/2021)
- Genova Smart Week “Economia circolare per la città: recupero e riciclo dei materiali, ciclo dell’acqua, reindustrializzazione green,
autosufficienza energetica," (29/11- 4/12/2021) - AlgaEurope 2021: “Treatment and valorizaton of a dairy by-product by Euglena gracilis” - “Exhausted whey by-product as alternative nutrient source for Euglena gracilis cultivation” (online, 7-10/12/2021)
- Conferenza Wastewater, Water and Resource Recovery (WWRR) 2022: “Long term experiences in using microalgae in wastewater treatment under suboptimal climatic conditions”, (Poznan, 10 – 13/04/2022)
- Conference Algae Apps – AQUAFARM/ALGAEFARM: “Integrazione della coltivazione di microalghe nel trattamento dei reflui urbani” (Pordenone, 25-26/05/2022)
- MATHMOD 2022 - 10th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling: “Modelling and Parameter Identification of Ex-Situ Biological Biogas Upgrading (Vienna, 27 al 29/07/2022)